Saturday, January 12, 2013

What is it with Québec and their bags? (And my inability to understand...)

Last night Chris and I went grocery shopping. The only hiccup during the shopping process was when Chris asked someone if they have frozen spinach (I use it in my protein can't taste it, I swear) and the guy took us to it and asked me if I wanted it whole or chopped. I will say that nerves obviously play a role in my comprehension problems because the worker asked in French if I wanted "little pieces or big pieces." It wasn't even complicated language, but the accent and extreme nerves left me looking like a deer in headlights. Anyways, I digress.

I managed to spit out that I would choose which one I wanted (because I couldn't manage to say "little pieces") and then we proceeded to the checkout. No problems...until the bagger said something about a bag. I immediately thought, "Here we go again..."

At first I thought he asked if I had brought a bag so I said, "Non." Then he just stared at me as my food piled up in front of him and eventually asked his question again. I gave him my signature blank stare again and told him that I didn't understand. I'm pretty sure at this point Chris was standing behind me laughing at my dismay, but I can't be sure. The bagger asked his question one more time while pointing to the plastic bags. I finally realized that he was asking if I wanted a bag (déjà vu) and I said yes. It never occurred to me that he could be asking that because I didn't realize that they charge you if you don't bring your own bag ($.05 per bag for those who are curious). I might have understood better if he had used some form of the verb "to buy," but only understanding every third word he used in a five-word sentence didn't help either.

Moral of the story: I'm hiring someone to do my grocery shopping. I can't handle the shame anymore.

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